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Step 1:  Select a Form, review entire form on screen
Step 2:  Purchase form
Step 3:  Working with Draft form
Step 4:  Printing
Step 5:  Making Final form
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To view a form purchase a form, follow the "Forms" link on the home page to the detailed lists of forms, or enter a form number in the search box. When you have filled in the form and are ready to print it, click the "Purchase" button, then "I Agree", to follow the link to purchase a "License ID" for one or more forms.

Once your credit card transaction is complete, you will be assigned a License ID. You will add your own password.

After purchase, you are presented with a Draft form. You can print and edit this form with the word "Draft" on it as much as you want. You can also leave the Draft form and return to it at a later time.

When you have completed the form you make it Final. This removes the word "Draft", and allows you to print this Final form as often as needed. But once made Final, you can no longer further edit the form, without purchasing it again. The Final form is also emailed to you as an attachment.

Step 1:  Select a Form, review entire form on screen

From the Forms page, click on one of the states or Nationwide, to view the available forms.

A list of form groups will appear on the screen. Click on your choice to view the list of individual forms from within that group.

Simply click on the form that you wish to view. You can preview the entire form on screen before purchasing.

Step 2:  Purchase form

1. When you are ready to purchase the form, click the "Purchase" button that appears at the top of the viewer.

2. The disclaimer screen appears. Read the Disclaimer, and hit "I Agree" to go to a screen asking if you need to purchase a License ID, or use an existing one.

3. To purchase a new License ID, click one of the "Select" links for the number of forms you want to authorize for that license ID. You will be prompted for your credit card information and to create your own password. Fill in the fields. Remember the password. You will need it to retrieve forms. A License ID will be e-mailed to you immediately. Keep this e-mail as your receipt. Click on the link in your confirmation page labeled as "Click here to proceed to your form".

If you have an existing License ID, click the "If you already have an Id and Password with available counts, Click Here to skip this step." link.

4. Enter in your License ID and password, along with your name and email address. You can also enter in a unique filename with the form. If you leave this blank, the filename will be the Blumberg form number.

5. You can then view the Draft version of your form. You can edit the fields, print as many copies as you like, e-mail copies to associates, attach exhibits, etc.

Step 3:  Working with Draft form

Before selecting "Print Final - Other Options", you MUST enter data into the form. The system does not allow you to purchase or print a blank form.

The variable fields of the form are shown in with a gray border before purchase. These borders are removed in Draft mode, unless you click the "Show Field Borders" button to see them again. To clear a form of all previously entered data, use the "Reset" button to empty all the fields.
  • To enter data into the form, click into a "field" and start typing. If you don’t know where the fields are, click the "Show Borders" button. As with the printed forms you cannot change the boilerplate. This is intentional, so that people can continue to rely on the consistency of the text they expect in Blumberg forms.
  • If you have trouble entering data, make sure the "hand" icon is clicked in the Adobe "toolbar".
  • If you are getting an error about your version of Adobe, make sure you have the latest version of Adobe. If not, remove all versions, and download and install the latest free Reader program. The link is on the home page.
If you have a problem clicking the "Click Here" buttons, try a different button. There is a button at the top and bottom of every page.

If you cannot finish in one session the "Print Final - Other Options" button will allow you to save your draft, and take up where you left off at a later time.

After clicking "Print Final - Other Options", the next screen allows you five choices:
  • "Make Final Copy" - Removes the word "Draft", and renders the form "Final". After going to "Final", you can no longer edit the form, so make SURE all your data is correct before proceeding. If you need to make changes after Final, you must purchase another form.
  • "Save and return to Draft form" - Saves and returns you to the draft form and continue work on your document.
  • "Send Draft Form to Additional E-Mail Addresses" - Send a copy of the current draft form to other e-mail addresses.
  • "Add Addendum Sheet" - Add a blank sheet to the end of your document, allowing you to add any notes associated with the form.
  • "Undo Form Changes" - Restores your Draft form back to the last saved copy.
The Draft form will stay on the site for 30 days. After 30 days of inactivity of the Draft form, it will be deleted from the site, and can no longer be retrieved. 10 days prior to the deletion, we will send an email with instructions on how to extend this time. You can have as many time extensions as you need.

Step 4:  Printing

To print a Draft or Final form, simple go to File-Print, or click the "Print" icon above the viewer. You must have purchased the form before printing.

Print as many Drafts and make your changes and print as many Drafts as you need before making the Final copy. You can print the Draft or Final form as many times as you need.

Step 5:  Making Final form

When you are ready to print the Final version, click "Print Final - Other Options" and select "Make Final Copy." A Final version of the form appears on the screen. An e-mail of the file will be forwarded immediately. The Final version can be printed but cannot be edited. Note, you must have filled out the form before making it Final, you cannot produce a blank Final form.

In Final mode, clicking on the “Final Form Options” button gives you two choices:
  • "Send Final Form to Additional E-Mail Addresses" - Send a copy of the final form to other e-mail addresses.
  • "Start New Form Order with same data" - Start the process over again with the same data already entered on this Final copy. For example, you might wish to change just a few fields, keeping the others as saved.
Check News for new and revised legal forms

We regularly add information about new or upcoming forms. Click this link to see our latest news.

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